Retirement Distributions LIVE
  • Retirement Distributions LIVE (Web App)

    The IRS has waived the 50% penalty for missed RMDs for 2021/2022, for those who inherited IRAs 2020+, and were subject to a distribution under the 10 year rule.  IRS Notice 2022-53


    Changes were implemented for SECURE Act 2.0!

    Changes were implemented for IRS Proposed Regulations regarding Required Minimum Distributions on 5/27/2022!


    ** §1.401(a)(9) TABLE UPDATED FOR 2022+   |   ** SECURE ACT UPDATES INCLUDED!  **


    Retirement Distributions LIVE (RDL) is a web application that calculates the required minimum distributions (RMDs) for several qualified plan types, such as:

    • Conventional IRAs
    • Roth IRAs

    Retirement Distributions LIVE (RDL) includes seven models illustrating RMDs and SEPP calculations. The current models are based on different scenarios, such as during the owner's lifetime, spousal rollover, non-spousal beneficiaries. The application inputs allow for contribution streams to the qualified plan, as well as additional distribution options outside of the RMD calculations. The program generates high-quality data-driven reports and has been updated to reflect the changes to §1.401(a)(9) that went into effect 01/01/2022.


About LIVE Products

Brentmark, Inc. has developed some of the most widely used estate, retirement, charitable, and financial planning desktop software on the market today. Brentmark has also been developing and marketing online web applications since 2014. 

LIVE Products are delivered entirely online via the internet and are compatible with any modern device. This eliminates the need for yearly version-based compliance reviews, delays in version implementations, complicated IT Admin rollouts, and version updates or patch delays. Every time you login, you are always using the latest release, and updates are done automatically and seamlessly from the user’s perspective. 

This is a considerable advantage over desktop versions.

No more updates to chase! Whether technical changes, new regulations, laws, or policy changes, all updates to LIVE programs are automatically updated on the server. Users are always using the most current update. The program is delivered online via the web.  Users will always be using the most recent published version.

A connection to the Internet and a modern browser is required.

Screen Shots

Brentmark, Inc. | RDL - Life Expectancy Tables             

Version History

2024.00: 01/18/2024

2023.02: 3/15/2023

  • For the Spouse model, if the spouse did not rollover and a year of death was entered for the spouse (with beneficiaries), the 10 year payout was not considering if the spouse was past RBD status, resulting in a 10 year payout with $0 for years 1-9, and in year 10 a full payout (for the beneficiary of the spouse). This has been updated to reflect RMDs in years 1-9 as shown in the regulations.

2023.01: 1/13/2023

  • The visibility of the question 'Did the owner die prior to April 1?' needed to be updated to reflect the new changes from SECURE Act 2.0.  This question will appear if the year of death is the year after RMDs start. 

2023.00: 1/03/2023

  • SECURE Act 2.0 changes.

2022.20: 5/27/2022

  • Proposed Regulations by the Department of Treasury on February 24, 2022, have been included in the calculations.  

2022.10: 2/12/2022

  • SEPP model updated for IRS Notice 2022-6.

2022.00: 12/31/2021

  • Added three new inputs to each model that will enhance the PDF reports:
    • PDF Name will allow the user to designate a name of the PDF file that is downloaded to their 'Downloads' folder.  This name will also be used when using the Save File feature.
    • Prepared For will allow the user to enter a name for the client.  This will appear on the cover page, as well as all footer pages
    • Prepared By will allow the user to enter a name for the advisor.  This will only appear on the cover page.
    • These input fields replace the Javascript enabled inputs that appeared on the report previously, which required the use of Adobe Acrobat Reader or a Javascript enabled browser 
  • Modified the appearance of all reports.  This includes fonts, colors and formatting.
  • Modified all of the graphs.  This includes fonts, colors, and formatting.
  • Bug Fixed: when illustrating an inherited IRA where the plan owner dies 2020+, and the First Year of Analysis is set to at least two years beyond the death year, the ten year counter for non-exempt beneficiaries was not being offset to accomodate the First Year of Analysis in this case

2021.00: 2/25/2021

  • Updated to reflect the changes to the §1.401(a)(9) table, which is used to calculate Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs).  This change goes into effect on 1/1/2022 and will impact almost all of the RMD calculations.
  • A new tool for the Life Expectancy tables was added.  Clicking on this menu item will now load a screen that will allow you to select between the single, uniform, and joint life expectancy tables either under the new §1.401(a)(9) rules (2022+) or under the old rules (2002-2021).

2020.10: 10/5/2020

  • Trust model: added the input "Is Spouse Sole Beneficiary."  This allows trusts that have a spouse as the beneficiary to have the distributions recalculated under those rules.
  • File Filter: When importing files, a filter was placed on the files shown to only include ".rdp" web files. 
  • SECURE Act Exempt case - when the non-spouse beneficiary is no more than 10 years younger.  For the owner's birth date, the input expects a full birthdate in the format MM/DD/YYYY.  For the beneficiary's birthdate, only the birth year is shown in the format YYYY.  In the prior version, a conservative approach was taken such that if the difference between the owner's birth year and the non-spouse's birth year was less than 10, the beneficiary was exempt.  Anything outside of this range, it was assumed that the beneficiary was not exempt.  In 2020.10, a new input has been added, and will only be displayed, for the case where the difference between birth years is exactly 10: "Is the beneficiary more than 10 years younger?"  When this answer is "No," the beneficiary is exempt, and "Yes" means the beneficiary is not exempt.   This impacts the Spouse, Non-Spouse, and Trust models.

Version 2020.00: 1/10/2020

  • Initial release with SECURE Act changes


Retirement Distributions LIVE (RDL) is available for the special introductory price of $199 for a single, individual, initial license.  After the first 12 months, it is billed annually at $163.75.  No more updates to chase!  All updates to the programs or new regulations, laws, or policy changes are automatically updated to the server.  You are always using the most current update!

A connection to the Internet is required.