Version 2025.00 Released!
Version 2023.10 includes the Final Regulations for Table 2010CM (Transitional Periods)
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Estate Planning Tools is a comprehensive program that handles several areas:
- Valuation
- Tools of Estate Planning
- Trusts
- Charitable Gifts
- Retirement
- Present and Future Values
- §199A Deduction
- Investments
- Inflation
- Real Estate
- Insurance
- Net Worth
- Financial Goals
- Budgeting
Estate Planning Tools is priced at $495 for a single initial license, including six months of coverage (updates sent as released based on tax law changes). Future annual renewal coverage is $194 for a single license.
A current desktop version of Windows is required.
For multiple licenses or enterprise licensing, please call 803-781-9595.
Product Comparison

Estate Planning Tools
Capitalization of Income Valuation Through Comparable Stock Book Value Method Goodwill Valuation Key Employee Valuation Special Use Valuation Financial Planning Ratios |
Tools of Estate Planning
Inclusion of CRAT, CRUT, GRAT or GRUT Self-Canceling Installment Note Private Annuity Annuity, Life Estate and Remainder Factors Simplified GSTT Worksheet Total Cost of GST Transfer Qualified Tuition Programs Gift Loans |
GRIT and Qualified Personal Residence Trust (QPRT) Grantor Retained Annuity Trust (GRAT) Grantor Retained Unitrust (GRUT) IDIT Installment Sales Dynasty Trust Split Interest Bypass Trust Computation Contingent Reversion QDOT
Charitable Remainder Annuity Trust (CRAT) Charitable Remainder Unitrust (CRUT) Charitable Lead Annuity Trust (CLAT) Charitable Lead Unitrust (CLUT) Naming Charity Beneficiary of Group Term Ins. Interrelated Estate Tax |
Estate Planning Techniques
Estate Tax Advantage of Gift Tax Exclusion Section 6166 Installment Payment of Estate Tax Business Owner’s Section 2057 Estate Tax Deduction Substantially Disproportionate Redemptions Section 303 Stock Redemptions Installment Sale Group Term Life Cost Advantage of Income Shifting Capital Gains Harvester Estate Tax Forecaster
Gift and Estate Tax Computation Prior Gifts Projection of Estate Tax Marital Deduction Optimization Table 2001 Cost Tax on a Net Gift Net Net Gift Individual Income Tax Corporate Income Tax FastPlan
Lump Sum Distributions Retirement Plan Taxation Required Minimum Distribution During Lifetime of Owner Pre-59½ Distributions Determination of Cash Requirements Social Security Optimizer |
Present and Future Value
Present Value of an Annuity Present Value of a Lump Sum Deferred Compensation Future Value of an Annuity Future Value of a Lump Sum Deposit Growth Life Expectancy Chance of Survival |
§199A Deduction
§199A Deduction for an SSTB or non-SSTB §199A Deduction when Several Passthrough Entities are Owned §199A Deduction for Estate and Non-Grantor Trust Allocations Impact of Retirement Plan Contribution on §199A Deduction C Corporation vs. S Corporation W-2 Employee vs. Independent Contractor Analysis §199A(g) Deduction for Specified Agriculture or Horticulture |
Financial Planning Tools
Common Stock Calculator Comprehensive Bond Calculator Annual Rate of Return Investment and Cash Flow Analyzer Holding Period Return Calculator Present Value of Investment Internal Rate of Return |
Erosion of Purchasing Power Fundlife Calculator Inflation-Adjusted Income and Asset Analysis Income Due to an Investment Fund College Cost Estimator Lump Sum Needed for Increasing Annuity Contributions Required to Reach a Goal |
Real Estate
After-Tax Return on an Investment Amortization Schedule Break-Even Period Refinancing Mortgage Comparison Schedule Double Payments on Retirement of a Mortgage Break-Even Interest Rate Comparison Mortgage Payment Calculator Loan Payment |
Rate of Return on Life Insurance Net Cost of Life Insurance Net Clear Death Benefit Insurance Needs Analysis Total Cost of Group Term Life Insurance Business Buyout Analyzer Need for Business Interruption Insurance Death Benefit Rate of Return |
Net Worth
Net Worth Analysis and Projector Security Portfolio Analyzer Taxable Social Security Benefits Under OBRA ‘93 Periodic Withdrawals from an Investment How Compounding Builds Net Worth Future Value of Increasing Payments |
Financial Goals
Summary of Financial Objectives Accumulation Planning Worksheets Educational Funding Analysis Retirement Analysis Social Security Benefits Present Value of Future Retirement Benefits Federal Estate Tax Discount Income-Related Medicare Premium Adjustment |
Income and Expenses Report Monthly Cash Flow Report Dividend and Interest Income Report Term of Loan Calculator After-Tax Return and Cost Calculator Cost of an Outlay Extra Loan Payment Analyzer |
Version History
Version 2025.00 (Released 12/04/2024)
- Special Use model – updated for 2024 Capitalization Rates released 9/2024 (Rev. Rul 2024-16).
- §6166 model – Updated the 2% Amount for 2025 ($1,900,000).
- Estate Tax exclusion for 2025 ($13,990,000) impacts the following models:
- Estate model
- Project model
- Interrelated model
- Bypass model
- Net Gift model
- Net Net Gift model
- Prior Gifts model
- Marital Deduction model
- Cash Needs model
- Confiscate model
- FastPlan
- Forecaster
- Annual Exclusion model: amount updated for 2025 ($19,000).
- Income tax adjustments for 2025 impact the following models:
- Corp Tax model
- Indiv Tax model
- Income Shift model
- All §199A models
- C vs Pass
- C vs S
- W2 vs IC
- Harvester
- SSOptimize model:
- Updated to reflect 2025 adjustments to COLA.
- IRMAA model: updated to include the 2025 Part B and D thresholds and deductibles.
- State Death Tax Manager: was updated for 2025 adjustments for NY
- FastPlan: resolved an issue with Joint Liabilities. Also, fixed a display issue for Available Credit in Sunset years.
Version 2024.01 (Released 02/27/2024)
- Models involving State Estate Tax for MA - calculations where out of state property was considered, the credit was being prorated ($99,600) incorrectly for years 2023+.
- CRAT Model - the optimization routine for a TERM calculations was not optimizing based on the selected AFR (prior month), which resulted in a Charitable Remainder greater than 10%.
Version 2024.00 (Released 01/04/2024)
- Special Use model – updated for 2023 Capitalization Rates released 9/2023 (Rev. Rul 2023-15).
- §6166 model – Updated the 2% Amount for 2024 ($1,850,000).
- Estate Tax exclusion for 2024 ($13,610,000) impacts the following models:
- Estate model
- Project model
- Interrelated model
- Bypass model
- Net Gift model
- Net Net Gift model
- Prior Gifts model
- Marital Deduction model
- Cash Needs model
- Confiscate model
- FastPlan
- Forecaster
- Annual Exclusion model: amount updated for 2024 ($18,000).
- Income tax adjustments for 2024 impact the following models:
- Corp Tax model
- Indiv Tax model
- Income Shift model
- All §199A models
- C vs Pass
- C vs S
- W2 vs IC
- Harvester
- SSOptimize model:
- Updated to reflect 2024 adjustments to COLA.
- IRMAA model: updated to include the 2024 Part B and D thresholds and deductibles.
- State Death Tax Manager: was updated for 2024 adjustments for NY, RI, and DC.
- Estate model:
- State Deduction for Federal Calculation: When a (+) QTIP Adjustment input was greater than $0, the program used to calculate the state deduction based on a pro-rata computation. It was determined that this needed to be changed to incremental computation. A similar change was made in version 2023.00 with regards to (+) positive state adjustments.
Version 2023.10 (Released 7/06/2023)
- Final Regulations for table 2010CM - Transition Period. The proposed regulations released in May of 2022 had the transition starting period equal to 1/1/2021. The Final regulations have reset the transition period to start on 5/1/2019, and allows for amended calculations based on using either mortality table. During this timeframe, 5/1/2019 thru 6/1/2023, the user can select between table 2000CM and 2010CM. Most models used a valuation/transfer year in the format MM/YYYY - these were modified to allow the format MM/DD/YYYY, specifically to allow for the effective date of 6/1/2023 to be included in the transition. 12 Models were impacted by this change, including: Factors, SCIN, Private Annuity, Contingent Reversion, QPRT, GRAT, GRUT, SPLIT, CRAT, CRUT, CLAT, CLUT.
- Final Regulations for table 2010CM - Interpolation. Taxpayers may use an exact method of obtaining the applicable factors, such as through software using the actual rate of return and the actuarial formulas provided in the regulations, in place of the generally less accurate interpolation method. Models have been updated to allow for the user to select between Interpolation and Exact methods. Models that were impacted by this change include: CRUT and CLUT.
- Added a link to the 2010CM Final Regulations under the "Help" menu.
Version 2023.01 (Released 1/17/2023)
- Required Minimum Distributions of Owner During Lifetime (RMD) model has been updated to reflect the change in required beginning date of minimum distributions as set forth in SECURE Act 2.0 (12/2022).
- Installment Sale (Install) model – modified the explanatory text to include information of §453A when the total amount of installment obligation does not exceed $5 million.
- Updates to the State Death Tax Manager for DC and ME 2023. NY was updated in 2023.00 version.
- FastPlan model – the default data had the current year as the analysis year and the first year of death as 2022, this caused the model to return an error message when loaded. The model verifies inputs as they change, but did not do verification on default data loaded when program runs.
- CLAT model – the number of payments was not allowing for +1 to the term.
Version 2023.00 (Released 11/29/2022)
- Special Use model – updated for 2022 Capitalization Rates released 9/2022 (Rev. Rul 2022-16).
- §6166 model – Updated the 2% Amount for 2023 ($1,750,000).
- Estate Tax exclusion for 2023 ($12,920,000) impacts the following models:
- Estate model
- Project model
- Interrelated model
- Bypass model
- Net Gift model
- Net Net Gift model
- Prior Gifts model
- Marital Deduction model
- Cash Needs model
- Confiscate model
- FastPlan
- Forecaster
- Annual Exclusion model: amount updated for 2023 ($17,000).
- Income tax adjustments for 2023 impact the following models:
- Corp Tax model
- Indiv Tax model
- Income Shift model
- All §199A models
- C vs Pass
- C vs S
- W2 vs IC
- Harvester
- SSOptimize model:
- Updated to reflect 2023 adjustments to COLA.
- Added input to allow for duration of analysis, allowable age range of 72-109. Prior versions ran to age 84.
- IRMAA model: updated to include the 2023 Part B and D thresholds and deductibles.
- CRUT model: The Present Value of Succeeding Noncharitable Interest result was slightly off when the payout rate was 20%.
- State Death Tax Manager: was updated for 2023 adjustments for NY.
- Estate model:
- Added feature to allow for multiple beneficiaries for states that impose inheritance taxes.
- State Deduction for Federal Calculation: When a (+) state adjustment is applied to the state only, the program used to calculate the state deduction based on a pro-rata computation. It was determined that this needed to be changed to incremental computation.
- Death years 2026+, with Sunset selected, when Adjusted Taxable Gifts exceed the Estate Tax Exclusion, the Clawback Adjustment was not considering the inflation rate entered.
- CLAT model: life calculations with 3+ lives had a minor issue with the §7520 report
- CRUT model: Shorter calculations with 2+ lives, the Present Value of Succeeding Non-charitable Interest was incorrect.
- CLUT model: Economic Schedule was not considering 1/2 of the growth in the Income calculation for the period. This now mirros the CRUT economic schedule regarding the Income calculation.
- GRUT model: Economic Schedule was not considering 1/2 of the growth in the Income calculation for the period. This now mirros the CRUT economic schedule regarding the Income calculation.
Version 2022.20 (Released 5/18/2022)
- Updated to include the proposed mortality table 2010CM. This impacts 16 models!
- Added a calculation search feature.
- Compound Model on the classic Estate Planning Tools menue was pointing to an incorrect model.
- Illustrations for §199A were updated to include 2022 illustrations.
Version 2022.10 (Released 1/31/2022)
- Updated to reflect changes required by Rev Rul 2022-6. This impacts the Pre 59 model.
- Using the Print to File, Export to Excel had an issue when the report exported was longer than 1 page.
- Issue with 2021 exclusion was not fully resolved in 2022.01.
Version 2022.01 (Released 1/12/2022)
- The 2021 estate exclusion was inadvertently overwritten by the 2022 estate exclusion, introduced with version 2022.00 (1/6/2022).
Version 2022.00 (Released 1/6/2022)
- Special Use model – updated for 2021 Capitalization Rates released 9/2021 (Rev. Rul 2021-15).
- §6166 model – Updated the 2% Amount for 2022.
- Estate Tax exclusion for 2022 impacts the following models:
- Estate model
- Project model
- Interrelated model
- Bypass model
- Net Gift model
- Net Net Gift model
- Prior Gifts model
- Marital Deduction model
- Cash Needs model
- Confiscate model
- FastPlan
- Forecaster
- Annual Exclusion model: amount updated for 2022.
- Income tax adjustments for 2022 impact the following models:
- Corp Tax model
- Indiv Tax model
- Income Shift model
- All §199A models
- C vs Pass
- C vs S
- W2 vs IC
- Harvester
- SSOptimize model - the social security optimizer model has been updated to reflect 2022 adjustments.
- IDIT model - the total line that was introduced in 2021.10 did not have the correct value for the second to last column.
- IRMAA model: updated to include the 2022 Part B and D thresholds and deductibles.
- CRUT model: The Present Value of Succeeding Noncharitable Interest result was slightly off when the payout rate was 20%.
- State Death Tax Manager: was updated for 2022 adjustments for NY, ME, RI. IA was updated for 2021-2025 inheritance tax changes. Any additional changes to decoupled states after 2022.00 release date can be dowloaded within the program.
Version 2021.10 (Released 06/15/2021)
- NEW MODEL: Qualified Domestic Trust (QDOT) is new under the Trusts column. This model shows the impact of the Estate Tax when the surviving spouse is a non-US citizen. The model handles both resident and non-resident non-citizens. This model is complete with flowcharts that make the calculations visual. It illustrates the tax in a scenario via the following options:
- Without consideration of the QDOT
- With consideration of the QDOT
- Creation of a Bypass Trust at first death, with the remaining portion of the taxable estate placed into a QDOT.
- NEW MODEL: Capital Gains/Losses Harvester (“Harvester”) is found under the Estate Planning Techniques column. This model calculates “what-if” scenarios for an asset that could have a capital gains/loss. This model illustrates projections if you were to hold the asset for up to a number of years and then realize the loss/gain in the following year. There are two approaches for a user:
- Growth Rates for the asset
- Future AGIs (AGI Method)
- Future Filing Status (AGI Method)
- Future Capital Gains Rates (Tax Rates Method)
- A summary page is included to show the year with the highest projected rate of return.
- This feature also shows the allowable Capital Loss to be claimed in a year, along with the Carryover Loss that can be applied to later years
- Tax Rate Method – This allows the user to perform quick calculations by entering a Capital Gains rate to be used in a given year.
- AGI Method – This method shows the user how the Capital Gains/Loss could increase your Capital Gains threshold amounts and how it interacts with the §1411 Investment Tax. Both input’s resulting data are essential to the user if they make assumptions with the Tax Rate Method. Customizing the following inputs allows you to change values for each individual year, up to 10 years.
- NEW MODEL: Net Net Gift is found under the Taxes column. This model calculates the taxable gift when the donee pays not only the Gift Tax from the gift but the Estate Tax liability (§2035(b)) if the donor dies within three years of the gift.
- NEW MODEL: Social Security Optimizer (SSOptimizer) is found under the Retirement column. This model shows the breakeven and PIA calculations (with COLA) for the three common retirement dates (Early Eligibility, Full Retirement Age, and Maximum Delayed). it also allows for a custom retirement date in the applicable range.
- NEW MODEL: Required Minimum Distributions of Owner during Lifetime (RMD) is located under the Retirement column. This model shows the Required Minimum Distributions for a given year, based on the plan balance of 12/31 from the prior year, and the owner’s birthdate. This model includes the §1.401(a)(9) changes that go in effect 1/1/2022.
- NEW MODEL: FastPlan is located under the Taxes column. This model shows 3 strategies for estate calculations for a married client, complete with flowcharts and explanation results. The 3rd strategy allows for basic planning, such as beneficiary designations of asset types, ability to set up several Trust types, charitable bequests, and maximum annual gifting.
- NEW MODEL: Forecaster is found under the Techniques column. This model allows the user to calculate the Estate and Gift Tax under user-defined inputs. Utilizing the following input customization to project upcoming tax changes and the impact to the client.
- Estate Tax Exclusions
- Gift Tax Exclusions
- Tax Brackets
- Portability of DSUE
- Users can select between three different menu views.
- Cover page has been added as a user option.
- Disclaimer has been added as a user option (user can select between canned text or their own disclaimer).
- Enhanced Reports have been added.
- Additional rates are displayed (Short, Mid, Long Term) on screens that use the rate (IDIT, SCIN, Gift Loans and Dynasty).
- Life Expectancy model has been updated for §1.401(a)(9) changes for 1/1/2022.
- Present Value of Future Retirement Benefits model has been updated to include an option for the §1.401(a)(9) table in 2022.
- Pre-59 Distributions model has been updated to reflect the §1.401(a)(9) changes for 2022.
- All graphs have been revised with softer color schemes and Pie Charts shown on screen are resized.
- CRUT model allows for up to 10 lives for the Life and Shorter calculations (up from 5).
- CRAT model allows for up to 10 lives for the Life and Shorter calculations (up from 5).
- The Budget model now includes both graphs on the printed report.
- The AFR form that shows historical rates has 2 new buttons that allow for Manual Download and FAQs.
- Automatic Download of AFR file. Some users experienced issues with the automatic download feature.
- GRAT model – the optimization routine was using an unrounded payout to arrive at the payout (dollar amount), that would have the lowest possible taxable gift. It needed to be rounded based on the number of significant digits in the payout.
- CRUT model – User interface tweak when the type was NIMCRUT – the label for the income was not aligned properly.
- Security model – Found under the Financial Goals column, the ‘Total’ column on the report was not reflecting all ranges.
- Interrupt model – Found under the Insurance column, the input report did not include the Gross Annual Business Income input.
- Corp Tax model – if the year entered is 2018+, the graph was showing the results for the Service Corporation, which is not applicable for calculations in 2018+.
- Factors model – the input for ‘Transfer Date’ on the screen is shown with the format MM/YYYY, and the input report that is printed was showing the format as MM/DD/YYYY. The input report now reflects the same format. Also, the input for ‘Aggregate Payments/Principle’ on screen uses the format $XX.YY, but the input report only showed whole dollars. The input report has been updated to reflect the input on the screen.
- Estate model – the input ‘Out of State Property’ was not modifying the estate tax properly.
- Amortize model – when the option ‘Monthly’ was selected and the ‘Months’ entered were not divisible by 12, the results ‘Months in Last Year’ on the summary report was incorrect.
Version 2021.00 (Released 12/15/2020)
- Special Use model – updated for 2020 Capitalization Rates released 9/2020 (Rev. Rul 2020-17).
- §6166 model – Updated the 2% Amount for 2021.
- Estate tax exclusion for 2021 ($11.7M) impacts the following models:
- Estate model
- Project model
- Interrelated model
- Bypass model
- Net Gift model
- Prior Gifts model
- Project model
- Marital Deduction model
- Cash Needs model
- Confiscate model
- Annual Exclusion model: amount updated for 2021 ($15,000).
- Income tax adjustments for 2021 impact the following models:
- Corp Tax model
- Indiv Tax model
- Income Shift model
- §199A models
- C vs Pass
- C vs S
- W2 vs IC
- Section 199A models: updated the thresholds for 2021.
- IRMAA model: updated to include the 2021 Part B and D thresholds and deductibles.
- Help Topics have been modified to reflect changes from the 2021 adjustments.
- CRUT model: The Present Value of Succeeding Noncharitable Interest was not linked to the first age input (Grantor) as the help file suggests. This has been fixed.
- Economic Schedules for CRAT, CRUT, CLAT, CLUT: For a single life case, where the age is based off 108 or 109, the duration of the schedule is based off the truncated life expectancy. For these ages, the truncated life expectancy was 0, which resulted in the schedule duration not to be updated.
- GRAT Model: Vary Annuity Payments, with a 20% constant growth, the schedule could report $0.01 over the 20% threshold (message on screen appeared). This has been modified to truncate when this happens. For 2020.02, we changed the way CONSTANT variable Payouts calculated. This change, unfortunately, bypassed how the Non-constant variable payouts were handled. This has been resolved. In addition, we added an input to allow for Payout Percentage to use 5 digits (like versions of the software before 2020.02). The default behavior is based on FMV, which will yield the gift closest to $0 when optimizing.
- CLAT Model: Single life calculations, the Present Value of Annuity Limited by §7520 Regs was incorrect in 2020.xx versions. Version 2020.00 introduced a new economic schedule option, and that option inadvertently assigned a second age to that calculation. For 2020.02, we changed the way CONSTANT variable Payouts occur, based on a formula passed along by a peer. This change, unfortunately, bypassed how the Non-constant variable payouts were handled, this was also fixed.
- Estate Model: If state selected is MA, and a value is entered for the out of state (or state adjustment), a help button appears giving details on the Dassori v Commision case, and lets users know to use the State Adjustment (as negative) field to apply that decision. States that allow DSUE to be included, now have a separate input based on the spouse's death year. Currently, this is for HI and MD only.
- Net Gift: When a prior taxable gifts amount was entered, and unified credit used by prior gifts was entered, the calculation resulted in a circular calculation (freeze).
- State Death Tax Manager: MD's changes required a new field to be added to the data map. Its specifically for calculating the tax with the Maximum Rate.
Version 2020.02 (Released 08/12/2020)
- QPRT model: the supplemental table shown based on changes in term of trust and grantor age had an issue when the §7520 rate was under 1.0%.
- Early model: there was a typo in a hint line, suggesting the user to use the 120% Midterm AFR, but displayed the §7520 rate.
- Future model: (Financial Planning section) the label on screen for the Future Value of the Investment used slightly different rounding than the result in the schedule.
- Print Preview feature: added to the program speedbar.
- Estate model: added the ability to expand the summary report on the tab group.
- IDIT model: added a growth input and fixed a minor display issue on the report, where it reported the §7520 rate does not match the transfer date.
- CLUT model: payout percentage has significant digits increased from 3 to 5.
- CRUT model: payout percentage has significant digits increased from 3 to 5. The optimization is now handled by a toggle input, no need to press Optimize after every input change. Minor UI layout changes.
- CRAT model: payout percentage has significant digits increased from 3 to 5. The optimization is now handled by a toggle input, no need to press Optimize after every input change. Minor UI layout changes.
- CLAT model: payout percentage has significant digits increased from 3 to 5. The Zero Remainder optimization is now handled by a toggle input, no need to press Optimize after every input change. Modified the algorithm for Term with increasing Annuity Payouts. Minor UI layout changes.
- GRAT model: payout percentage by default has been 5 significant digits, but will now increase based on the FMV of the Trust to reflect better precision. Modified the Term with Increasing Annuity Payout algorithm.
- AFR Handling: efforts were made to optimize AFR behavior, mostly with network installs. A help topic has been added for AFR FAQs, located under the Edit->AFR menu.
- Installation changes were made to reduce issues where an uninstall was not working.
Version 2020.01 (Released 04/30/2020)
- Estate Tax models, where states utilize the Deceased Spouse Unused Exclusion (DSUE) in their calculations, the maximum state DSUE allowed has been set to the state exclusion. This impacts HI and MD.
- Private Annuity model has been modified to accept §7520 rates under 1%.
- CRAT model has been modified so that the §7520 and the 77-374 Tests can both accept §7520 rates under 1%.
- Inclusion model has been modified to allow for the Annual Payout Rate to go below 1% (for CRUT/GRUT calculations).
Version 2020.00 (Released 03/05/2020)
- 2020 Income & Estate Tax Adjustments Included That Impact 15+Models.
- Updated Help Files.
- The Brentmark State Death Tax Manager (SDTM) Has Been Updated To Include Changes For:
- CT, DC, HI, ME, RI, NY and VT.
- IRMAA Module Has Been Updated For 2020 Medicare Tables.
- The Estate Model Has Been Enhanced With Several New Inputs To Expand The Calculation.
- The CLAT Model Has A New Option To Select Between Two Different Economic Schedule Calculations.
- New Alert System Notifying The User When A Newer Version Has Been Released.
- When The Alert Is Activated: It Will Provide Information On How To Get The New Version.
- A News Channel Has Been Added To Keep Users Current On All Brentmark Releases, Including Brentmark’s State Death Tax Manager (SDTM) Data Files.
- New Software Has Been Implemented To Streamline The Installation Process.
- Executable And Installation Files Are Now Signed With An EV Code Signing Certificate To Improve Security.
- Brentmark’s AFR Manager Has Been Added Under The “Edit” Menu, Allowing For Manual Download And Diagnositics.
- Several Display and User Input Behavior Issues Have Been Improved And Resolved.
All Desktop products require the initial purchase of the software and the annual maintenance service fee to remain active and operable. The maintenance service allows your software license to stay current and receive updates, new features, legislative and tax law changes, bug-fixes, etc. Expiration or lapse of your annual maintenance service fees could result in the requirement to purchase a new license of the software.
The pricing includes the initial purchase of one (1) software license and twelve (12) months of complimentary maintenance service. At the expiration of this complimentary maintenance service period (12 months from the date of initial purchase), you will be charged for the first year of annual maintenance service. Your next fee will be assessed exactly one (1) year later and every year after that for your yearly maintenance service.
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Billed 12 Months After Initial Purchase
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Billed 1 Year from 1st
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